Before you launch your application let us provide you Insights on how end users feel about your product and ways that you can improve the application. At FormSoft we want you to know what your customers will experience and feel before your application is deployed. Our advanced user testing methods allow you to quickly test a large number of design alternatives, thus accelerating UX innovation. We have a user research team with expertise in domain-specific designs to provide you feedback if the UI of your app is ready for launch.

We improve design decisions by looking at the problem from multiple points of view: combine multiple types of data or data from several UX research methods. Our seasoned UX professionals aim to create end-to-end customer experiences that serve the user goals as effectively as possible. To that end, we conduct user research to understand end user expectations, their needs, and the hurdles they may encounter while using the application.

User Testing

What we do:

  • Usability testing (UX research)

    We can define this concept as to make the right design decisions by testing with users or the efficiency and ease of use of a web or mobile app by a user. Usability testing is measured in several aspects: eye-tracking, heat maps, click through maps, user journey and more.

  • Focus groups for obtaining in-depth information

    The focus group is a part of user testing, it is a qualitative research technique used to collect data through group interactions. The group comprises of a small number of carefully selected people who discuss and explore how people think and behave, and they throw light on ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ questions on application usage.

  • International Usability Testing

    We perform international usability testing by choosing different countries which helps identify culturally specific usability issues. Testing correctly at the right time will help you thrive in a new market. International usability testing can uncover issues with important site functionalities rarely used by majority of groups. For instance, domestic users may rarely switch the website language. But for the international users, the findability of this feature is crucial.

  • Our in house testing tools will simplify and expedite the testing proces

    Our advanced user testing methods and in house testing tools allow us to quickly test a large number of functional alternatives, thus accelerating the testing process.

  • Define smart ways to have a competitive usability advantage

    Competitive usability evaluations are methods to determine how your app performs in relation to your competitors’ app. The comparison can be holistic, ranking apps by some overall app-usability metrics, or it can be more focused, comparing features, content, or design elements across apps.

Usability & Emotional Engagement

Usability testing ensures the ability of typical user to easily figure out how to use your application whereas emotional engagement measures the user’s motivation to use your application. We help you pinpoint areas to maximize the usability and emotional engagement of your users. In summary, we help you get in your user’s mindset, to understand how they react and how your application fits into their work/life to create more engaging and immersive experiences.

We will be happy to discuss your user experience testing needs and provide proposals for your projects.
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