FormSoft mobile development team closely follows the latest technologies & trends in Mobile development with special focus on creating innovative user experience. We offer mobile application and SDK development on iOS and Android. We have developed Apps for a number of different vertical markets including enterprise productivity, data security, entertainment and education. We use the latest tools for development with an intense focus on the end-user experience including:

Development Platforms We Support

  • iOS
    • SwiftUI
    • RxSwift
    • CocoaPods
    • ARKit
    • CoreML

  • Android
    • Gradle
    • Mockk
    • Jetpack Compose

  • Hybrid and HTML5 mobile apps with
    • Sencha
    • BackboneJS
    • React Native
    • Ionic
    • Flutter
    • Phone Gap
    • Mobile Angular UI

Please send us an email at if you have any questions about our mobile development services.

We will be happy to discuss your needs and provide proposals for your projects.
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